There are many Activities you can undertake in the Vale of Glamorgan, from badminton to Zumba. These activities can help contribute towards the recommended level of 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week set by the NHS. If you are interested in attending any of the activities please use the Dewis website to search for the activity and then get in contact with the organisers.
The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 introduced a duty on Local Authorities in Wales to “provide information about the range of locally available services”.
Dewis Cymru is the health and wellbeing directory and information website. Providing a single point of access for both citizens and professionals, to local and national services.
It has been designed to enable people to be safe, social, and live well by signposting to services such as financial advice, care services, housing support, children’s activities, Health and 3rd Sector Organisations.
resource is as current as possible because it needs to be reviewed at least every 6 months, otherwise, it expires and is no longer ‘live.’
Here is a list of searches for the local area that have already been created for you to use. If there is anything you are looking for in particular you can also contact us at: www.Dewis.Wales
Adult Day Opportunities/Leisure
Money & Benefits Support Vale of Glamorgan –
Sports & Fitness – Vale of Glamorgan
Community Learning
Digital/IT Support
Here are some links to practical support that may also come in handy:
Search – Dewis Wales Care Homes
Stay Steady Clinics – Falls Prevention Advice (
Search – Dewis Wales – Falls Prevention Class/info
Meals on Wheels – Cardiff and The Vale (
Search – Dewis Wales Telecare Providers
Search – Dewis Wales Care for Older People