Here are the latest Barry applications decided on by the Vale of Glamorgan Council.
Detached house
An application to build a detached house on land next to 44 Coldbrook Road East has been refused.
A neighbour had objected to the application, which was a resubmission, saying: “Objection on the basis of only difference between the current application and the previous one is the alteration of a window.”
The council stated that the proposed development would not fit in with the surrounding area and would overlook neighbouring properties, with an unacceptable impact on the privacy of those in the properties.
Part retrospective application
A part retrospective application for a rear extension at 23 Enfield Drive has been approved.
The application sought to regularise the as-built rear extension, including the addition of roof lights and balcony screens, a raised patio, an enlarged landing window, and a proposed render finish to the main dwelling and porch.
The main dwelling must be finished with a white K render finish within six months, and the 1.8m fence and gate to the western side of the patio must be erected within two months.
The bird box detailed in the updated biodiversity enhancement and green infrastructure statement must also be installed within two months to ensure compliance with local development plan policies.
An application for the removal and reconstruction of the chimney stacks and alteration to the lean-to roof structure at Cole Farm has been approved.
Work must begin within five years and be carried out according to the approved plans.
The biodiversity enhancement measures set out must be completed within one month of the completion of the works.
Samples of the proposed chimney pot and brickwork must be prepared and made available for inspection and final written approval by the local planning authority before work on the external facing of the development can start.
An application to regularise the chimney work was also approved with the same conditions.