The Health & Social care group discuss topics ranging from local health care to equal access for all. All welcome.
Lead: Ron Walton
The primary focus of this long standing group within the forum is the health and well-being of 50+ people in the Vale. It informs members of the current state of health and adult social care services in the Vale and new developments. A wide range of experts give presentations to our bi-monthly meetings and members have the opportunity to raise issues they have encountered in using health and social care services. We respond to Welsh Government consultations and present Forum views in public engagement events organised by the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board and the Vale Council. Our members have strong links with third sector organisations and the Older Peoples Commissioner. Issues we have contributed to in recent years include: falls prevention; screening services (e.g. bowel screening); access to surgical treatments; prevention and public health services; mental health services; dementia care services; Parliamentary review of Health and Social Care; consultations on a major trauma network and thoracic surgery. New members are always welcome and we value their experience and insights about the effectiveness and quality of services, both positive and negative.
The Health Group meet on an ad-hoc basis as displayed on the Calendar.
Meetings are open to all.