Here are the applications that were approved and refused in the week between January 6 and January 12.
An application for ground and first-floor extensions, along with an entrance porch at 50 St David’s Crescent, Penarth, was approved.
This will create additional living space and bedrooms.
The work must begin within five years.
Biodiversity enhancement measures laid out in the approved plans must be completed before the development is used.
Any trees or plants that die or are damaged within five years must be replaced.
Lawful use or development
An application for a lawful use or development to extend the kitchen and level the floor of the bathroom at 43 Salop Street was refused.
The council said: “It is considered that the proposal does not amount to permitted development under Schedule 2, Part 1, Class A of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (Wales) Order 2013 and therefore planning permission is required.”
Balcony alterations
An application for alterations and extension of the existing balcony at 25 John Batchelor Way was approved.
Work must start within five years.
A 1.8m high obscurely glazed privacy screen must be erected along the east side of the balcony before it is used.
Biodiversity enhancement measures must be completed before the development is used.
Any damaged or diseased plants must be replaced within five years.
Garage conversion
An application for a proposed garage conversion to form habitable accommodation at 42 Chandlers Way was approved.
The work, including the insertion of a new window unit, must begin within five years.
Biodiversity enhancement measures must be completed before the development is used.
Any damaged or diseased plants must be replaced within five years.
Replacement materials
An application to replace defective timber cladding and the balustrade on existing balcony areas with colour-coated aluminium and a toughened glass balustrade at Glynne Tower was approved.
Work must start within five years.
Biodiversity enhancement measures must be completed before the development is used.
An application for a single-storey rear extension and replacement of existing pitched utility roof with a flat roof at 20 Westbourne Road was approved.
Work must begin within five years.
The bricks and render used must match those of the existing property.
Biodiversity enhancement measures must be completed according to the approved timings.
Details of proposed coping stones and the external finish of the proposed lintel must be approved by the Local Planning Authority before installation.
Proposed site entrance gates
An application for proposed site entrance gates at Sainte Adresse, Paget Place, was approved.
Work must begin within five years.
Within three months of completion, a Biodiversity Enhancement Strategy must be submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority.
The development must be carried out according to the approved strategy and timings, and include details of landscaping features and additional ecological enhancements.